景點介紹 Attraction

屯阿巴娜生態區 Tunabana Ecological Area

屯阿巴那步道 位於茶山村內開元農場對面園區呈O型步道路線,可以繞夕陽亭走上山頂的稜線,再走至瀑布。茶山著名的「水火同源」地下沼氣湧泉區,也在附近。晚上則是夜間觀察的精彩地點。光是蛙類有15種之多,種類佔台灣蛙類一半。螢火蟲也有6、7種之多。此外,珈雅瑪瀑布旁邊的小徑可通往大石壁和蝙蝠洞,行程約1個半小時。

Tunabana Trail is located in Chashan Village across from the Kaiyuan Farm; this O-shaped trail takes you around the sunset pavilion to the ridge of the mountain top and then to the waterfall. Chashan's famous underground biogas welling up with water and fire is also nearby. At night, it is a wonderful spot for nighttime observation. There are as many as 15 species of frogs, representing half of all frog species in Taiwan. There are also six or seven species of fireflies. In addition, the path beside Chayama Waterfall leads to the Big Rock Slope and Bat Cave, which take about one and a half hours to complete.


In the daytime in the Tunabana Ecological Area, you can walk slowly along the trails and see clear and lively running streams with fish, shrimps, tadpoles, frogs, water plants, dragonflies, red dragonflies and butterflies fluttering in or on the water, as well as Taiwanese blue magpies, woodpeckers, Taiwan barbets, fairy pittas and thrushes are chirping in the sky. Fireflies can be seen shining at night in the Tunabana Ecological Area. Walking along the wide flat roads of the Tunabana Ecological Area, you can listen to the sound of waterways and insects chirping along the roadside, smell the fragrance of wild ginger flowers along the road, enjoy the stars in the sky and on the ground (fireflies), and the silvery moonlight shining vividly on the ground to make people remember this unforgettable scene.